I like this verse because its meaning is pretty much the center of what the Gospel and Bible is about. So many times we want to do our own thing, but it never works out. Jesus said that He is the Way (John 14:6), not one of the ways or the best way, but THE WAY. So when we go by what we see we may go in the wrong direction. And since we are all sinners, that direction is death (Romans 6:23).
What about when the way we think we are to go seems like a wrong way? The signs we are getting are confusing? We need to follow Christ (the right way) which leads to everlasting LIFE (John 3:16), every day and in every action. I have noticed several things about the above scripture. Some things are not what they seem. As humans we are not always the best surveyors of life—we need to follow someone who knows the way. A wrong choice can lead to death.
In my home town recently there was an accident on the Interstate, someone got on going the wrong way. There were people killed. Some were killed not because they were going the wrong way—but because someone else was. It matters which way we go, not just to us but to the lives that are associated with us. If you are the head of your family and you are going the wrong way chances are pretty high your family is too. If you own a corporation and you are headed in the wrong direction you are probably taking the employees with you. Regardless of the popular beliefs of our day “Doing your own thing” doesn’t work—doing the God thing does.
If you are confused today I encourage you to get in the Word but also get some wise counsel, for in that you will make the right turns in life that lead to the right destination.