Our speaker shared how easy it is to do something the hundredth time, but how and more importantly why it was so significantly difficult to do it the first time. Remember the first time you drove? Panic and anxiety are a mild choice of words compared to the pounding of our hearts and shaking of our knees. Now we hop in our car, switch on the ignition and don’t give a thought about what we are doing. The difference? Practice. Repetition. The first time we do something everything inside of us screams, “Find a safe place-find a safe place.” Our speaker explained that our brains have two parts the conscious and the sub-conscious. It is the conscious part of our brains that give us the problem. Once the information is in our sub-conscious we are back into harmony-our “safe place”, and anxiety gone.
When we really have an encounter with God and get saved, renew our minds, and become God conscious that becomes our safe place. We don’t think about how we are to “act saved” (drive home), we just drive and we safely arrive…home. So why do we fret so much over trying something new and doing something we’ve never done before? We are out of our comfort zone. Do it enough and we will become comfortable with what was once uncomfortable.
Fight the flesh. It is part of our fallen nature. We are not just natural people. Once we have an encounter with Christ, we are supernatural.
1 John 4:4 (KJV) “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
So, when doing something new, learning something for the first time--drive on! Remind yourself that it may be difficult the first time, but so was driving. Soon this “first time” experience will be part of who we are.