This video is a hilarious skit on the perception of Youth Ministry and the reality of Youth Ministry. Sometimes we need a little bit of laughter in order to swallow truth. This video could have been on anything--marriage, raising children, cooking, working; but I choose Youth Ministry because most of you are not in Youth Ministry so you will think it's funny. If I chose the other topics you may not think it so funny. The point I am trying to make is so many times what we perceive as truth, is simply not going to be reality, it is merely our perception of what we think is reality.
Many times in Marriage I find that young couples become disillusioned because they had an illusion in the first place of what they perceived marriage to look like. Come on, we all have been there, done that. Perhaps it was with a colleague or family member, where we thought things were going to happen and were sadly mistaken. We thought we knew what they would say or do and we were wrong. What do we do when our perceptions are not accurate?
First we must understand: any time the senses are involved there is potential for error and any time the mind is involved, the same is true. Until our mind is completely renewed our perception has potential for distortion.
Rom 12:2: (NIV) "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
There are several places in the Bible where people perceived one thing and were totally deceived. (1 Chronicles 19:1-19:19) We all have some ability to perceive. How we perceive determines thoughts, words, and actions. Behavior is often based on our perception. How we respond to people, places, and things is a result of how perceive things to be, not always how they really are. So here are my suggestions:
Read the Word of God daily to gain wisdom and understanding. Then memorize scripture that you can recall in time of need. Begin to practice seeing through the eyes of God. (Job 33:14-16)