“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
If this is you, don't feel bad. Feel glad, you realize the processionary caterpillar syndrome and you are willing to do something to change it. We are not meant to walk around in circles. We are meant to walk on streets of gold.
Many will spend the day shopping. Many will wander the aisles of department stores looking for the perfect gift. One of the greatest gifts we can receive or give, is the gift of being our genuine self. The problem? Not many know their true self or their genuine call upon their life. That can change, if they want it to. It can change if you want it to and find out the "How to's." And, it is not just the want to. We all have want to's. The difference is some of us go from having "Want to's" to "Have to's" to taking the action steps needed to be the "Get to's," that actually receive what they go after. My prayer is for you and those you love to be that, and have that gift to give this new year.
Remember, I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.
Check out www.renaperozich for gift ideas and to get in the calendar to start your journey today. If you want to purchase sessions just let me know at [email protected]
Enjoy your weekend and be sure to be in the house of God Saturday night or Sunday morning.