– Eminem
“Nothing is worth more than this day.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Each place is a moment you’ve never been.”
– Mark Strand
“But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? – – Carpe – – hear it? – – Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.”
– Dead Poet’s Society
“Life is a game, play it.”
– Mother Teresa
See, surgery changes things. It changed me. Sometimes surgery is physical, other times it is psychological. For me, knee surgery has been both. It slowed me down. Nah, it stopped me. Something that had never before failed me--failed me. It was a trigger. I never thought--of all things, my legs would fail me. They had always been the strongest thing on my body. They carried me through, life with never a complaint. Ran me though the stages of life carrying whatever wait I put on them; whatever baggage I lugged from destination to destination--until they didn't.
Just one of them got injured. A right menial meniscus tear. Seemed simple enough to fix right? Not at all. No one wanted to do it. Everyone had a different opinion about how to fix it. I personally tried everything I could. Faith it. Ignore it. Brace it. Lay hands on it. Have others lay hands on it. Pray for it. Research it. Medicate it. Ice it. The list goes on. I truly had to go to three doctors to find one who would do what I knew needed done all along. I needed fixed. Fixed meant surgery. I didn't want that long process--really. I just wanted fixed. A quick fix. A miracle.
Sometimes quick fixes come in long processes. Embrace the process. I realized pain sometimes gets way worst before it gets better. That's when we question the process. We question ourselves. We question the doctors. We question God...
On the other side of the seemingly long process I am putting one foot in front of the other. I'm slower to step out. I worry more about uneven pavement. I'm not in such a hurry. I am not the leader of the pack. I have to ask for help.
Sometimes, people are rude and inconsiderate. People don't slow down for our crutches or our wheelchairs. Most don't consider holding a door open for the wounded. The masses seem to stare at the crippled or quickly look away for fear of having to get involved. Seize the moment anyway. Go for what lies ahead anyway. Refuse to stop and sit on the sidelines. Do what you must to get back up and go again.
By now you realize I am not just referring to my knee surgery. I am talking to you about life. Leave your legacy. Make a way for others to follow. Drawl a map. Find the answers.
When you learn teach. When you get--give. ~Maya Angelo
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Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.
— 2 Corinthians 6:2
Father, give us wisdom to appreciate the opportunities we have. Let us lean on Jesus for our salvation today and always. Amen.
i believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.