"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:"
However, I believe I am a decade behind personally. So, I ask's Bob last night if "Abandonment" can cause a person to be a decade behind, or that does he believe for example the 40's are the new 30's? He took the question to mean if you keep working hard and get a coach you can catch up. I personally don't want to catch up. Now, again we were on Zoom and there was a huge audience. Perhaps, one on one I would have had a greater explanation. I truly was impressed with this gentleman's wisdom. He was kind and came across as a strong Christian.
Find a coach. It has been a life changer for me. If you'd like me to coach you please send me an email at [email protected]. You can also check out my website (under construction still) and check me out. I am a Certified Master Coach and I am looking forward to finishing my doctorate with Destiny College. My coach is Dr. Keith Johnson and he is starting a class called 83K Academy every few months. Here is a link that I can personally refer you to him if you prefer: https://keithjohnson.kartra.com/page/83K-Affiliate-RenaPerozich