This definition of the word “Season” from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
"A period of the year characterized by or associated with a particular activity or phenomenon <hay fever season>: as (1) : a period associated with some phase or activity of agriculture (as growth or harvesting) (2) : a period in which an animal engages in some activity (as migrating or mating) (3) : the period normally characterized by a particular kind of weather <a long rainy season> (4) : a period marked by special activity especially in some field <tourist season> <hunting season> (5) : a period in which a place is most frequented"
So right now we are in our Winter Season. The weather is harsh. Winter is a lot more work than our other seasons in many ways. It’s dirty and uncomfortable in the winter. Some experience depression because of the limited amount of sunlight. The temperature swings are severe. We can be extremely cold and the next minute sweating.
Life in Christ is like this. We have to be ready for whatever the storm brings. We have to be dressed. (Do you have your robe of righteousness on?) We have to have gas in the car and groceries in the house. (Are you spiritually feeding yourself and filling up on the Holy Spirit?) Tires on the car. (Vehicles speak of ministry so are you paying your tithes and giving offerings?) Even in the summer the grass needs mowed. In the fall the garden needs harvested and perhaps food preserved, school books or clothes purchased. Yes, in our spiritual life we have to work harder at different times. The work may change but in each season we have things that are required disciplines that will cause us to weather the storms that we encounter. The tougher and longer the season the more preparations that we must make. We can’t be lazy and not study healing and then battle the storm of sickness and disease successfully when it comes. The Lord wants us ready ahead of time.
2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV) “2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.”
Sometimes we have to preach to our self. Get in the word and get the word in us because the storms of life will come. Those that are ready will weather the storm successfully and perhaps even help others who are caught in the storm.
Trust in the Lord if you do your part He will do His part.
Job 30:22 (KJV) "You lift me up to the wind and cause me to ride; And You dissolve me in a storm.
Proverbs 10:25 (KJV) “When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.”
As you read this Blog today please take a moment to listen to this song and allow the Lord to minister to you.