“Americans today are more devoted to seeking spiritual enlightenment today than at any previous time during the twentieth century. Yet, at this moment of optimum opportunity, Christianity is having less impact on people’s perspectives and behaviors than ever. Why is that? Because a growing majority of people have dismissed the Christian faith as weak, outdated, and irrelevant.
“Interestingly, the stumbling block for the Church is not its theology but its failure to apply what is believes in compelling ways. The downfall of the Church has not been the content of the message but its failure to practice those truths. Christians have been their own worst enemies when it comes to showing the world what authentic, biblical Christianity looks like – and why it represents a viable alternative to materialism, existentialism, and mysticism, and the other doctrines of popular culture.”
It is as if Christians have forgotten that there is a cost to following Christ. And in our malaise, we have gotten too comfortable, not only in our pew, but far too comfortable in our world. Our faith has become as casual as the clothes we have begun to wear on Sunday morning.
When we pass an accident on the road many of us are guilty of looking back and trying to see what's happened putting ourselves and everyone else on the road at risk for the same thing. This is what I see in the churches today. We are all so busy looking at what others are doing that we fail to do what God has called us to do. We forget that we are not to look like the world but stand out so that the world can see Jesus.
Christianity may not always taste good. We are to die to what we want, so others can get what they need. If we do that? We will stand out, because we have stood up and did what He asked us to do.