God’s word brings about conviction and gives the Holy Spirit something to work with.
How can they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10 )
So someone has to be willing to do that.
Real Evangelism stirs up a religious spirit because it says one has to be right with God.
John the Baptist was almost a friend of sinners cause he told them the truth. He hung out with them so he could minister to them.
His messages brought great conviction and controversy.
The same way Steven was stoned because of the conviction he brought to religious people…John was imprisoned by the heathen for the convictions he brought.
It is no different today in N. Korea and a lot of the middle east are still imprisoned today.
In America we have avoided the black and whiteness of the gospel to entertain itchy ears but in doing so we have lost the power.
There really is a Heaven to gain and a hell to shun.