Tradition played an important part in Jesus’ life. One of the central stories of the gospels is Jesus celebrating the Passover with his disciples. The Passover was an ancient tradition that spanned twelve centuries. The Passover meal kept fresh, in the minds of God’s people, how God was present and powerful during the Exodus. In the meal, God’s love and grace were celebrated and the faith of Israel was passed on to the children.
Christians do not remember Jesus’ Thursday night meal with his disciples as the Passover. To us it is called the Last Supper. In this meal Jesus connected what he accomplished on the cross with the angel of death passing over the Israelite homes several centuries before. It is a tradition that celebrates God’s sacrificial love, his overwhelming grace, and the gift of new life that we receive because of what Jesus did. We observe this tradition frequently as “Holy Communion,” The Sacrament of the Altar,” and “The Eucharist.”
The Christmas season is a time that is full of rituals and traditions. In this season are special songs, meals with family and friends, unique foods, worship on Christmas Eve, and presents on Christmas morning. These traditions and rituals have the ability to unite us as families, strengthen our bonds as people of God, as pass on the gospel of Jesus Christ.