"Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed."
When God comes into a life, He knows that in order to make a beautiful heart, there will be some digging to do for sure, and the removal of what is hard--that will hinder the word from taking root. Then, our Father knows daily watering and watching, will ensure that no blight or insects, worm or drought, will kill His new seedlings. As I watch over my own lil garden I learn so much. Some enemies are much harder to kill. For example, this year I am fighting Japanese Beetles. I have to be so diligent with these pesty critters. They are hard to kill, sneaky, and keep coming back. They return for the kill and go for the flowers.
So, go ahead and get your hands dirty and keep your heart clean. Don't have room for a garden? Get a little flower pot and throw some seeds in it and start watering. Let God speak to you daily as you tend to your little garden. What He started in Genesis He is going to watch over and complete until we sit at His table with Him.