My grandson's both say my name with a smile. The way they say it goes up on the end and lingers like a "meow". I know you are all saying to yourselves, "Right." She is definitely a "Nonna" talking. I agree. However, listen to the way people say your name. I am willing to say you will agree, if you put it to the test.
Many don't want to honor by obeying, because they don't like the vessel the instruction came through, or they just plain don't want to do what they are told. Favor is not withheld by God, it is withheld by our own choices.
Action Step: Choose to show favor to those you want in your future. Ask Abigail. She showed favor to a soon to be King, and ended up in his palace. Nabal refused to honor a soon to be king, and lost his wife and his life. Speak Kindly of those you want in your future. Make sure their name is safe in your mouth.