"Remember therefore from where you have fallen;
repent and do the first works,
or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand
from its place—unless you repent."
Whatever it took to get you close to God, close to your goal weight, it will take you to keep you there. The disciplines of getting enough word (water and food), enough sleep (quiet time with God and prayer) will all still be needed to keep the weight from coming back on (falling away from God). We can get back if we just go back to doing our first works. (Rev.2:5)
What choices are you making today? Are they going to drawl you closer to the goals you have set for yourself? The call of God on your life? What direction are you headed? Whose voice are you heeding? One voice is calling you toward the mark of the high calling in Christ, while the other is sucking you down a rabbit hole that holds no reward in this life or the next.