"Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.”
I was talking with several people over the last several weeks, and one thing was common among them all, they were looking for a shift, a change. Many had been just doing their thing but, now it wasn't bringing them the same results. There is a strong dissatisfaction among God's people right now. I believe the ground is shifting. Those of us that know God, we know there has been a shift and this is a "Holy Moment." When I found this word below (https://youtu.be/Is1Lf29Bb1M) by Sarah Jakes it gave vocabulary to what I have been sensing. Click the link or view in your Browser. Don't back up before you can mess up. Make the shift!
Register NOW for the Women of Witness Fall Intensive September 9-11, 2021. "Be the Lion-Find your ROAR!" Apply today. Then, I will review your application and if accepted you will be sent a link to Register. Don't miss the SHIFT! Don't miss your moment on Holy Ground. God has an appointment with His women. God has an appointment with you. God has given me a mandate to RAISE KINGS. God is coming back the King of Kings--we are those kings the King is coming after. It's time for the oppression to be broken off and I am called with a Moses call to let God's people go, and you are one of them. This is your time. This is your moment to shift!
Click and make the shift!