I'm grateful this morning as I filled myself up early with the Word of God as I had several appointments with people with real needs. I must remain Kingdom minded though I live in a temporal body. His Word energized me as I offered wisdom from His Word.
I am not any different than you are. As you read this you may be raising children, working a job and helping at church. You realize you are working beyond your human capacity.
I am called to be my husbands help mate. Whatever my husband needs I am anointed to help. The Bible tells us in Genesis 2:18 (KJV) "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
We are a team. God is the captain. He calls the shots and we do what we are told. We do what God tells us to do. When we do what the captain tells us to do it's a win/win situation. Wives submit to your husband. If I obey that command then things go well with me. I am protected by God because He is my covering. Literally the blood of Jesus covers me and enables me to operate in the same power and authority that Jesus walked in.
If you are feeling overwhelmed today and under qualified and maybe even insufficient, remember we are sufficient in all things because of Jesus Christ.