"All of Nature cries out for you to be revealed."
Today, I want to talk about how noisy it was. I mean I thought being out on the lake it was going to be quiet and serene. Nope, beautiful yes but not, quiet. It was really noisy. It was loud. Between the birds, the bees, the flies, the bugs, the geese, the whatever was in the woods along the river it was noisy. At first it really surprised me. I had no idea the placid Monongahela River was such a busy place for nature.
We put in at Prickett's Fort and traveled up stream and then turned around and paddled back downstream. I had a lot to learn in those short hours. At first I was so anxious that I wasn't able to feel and respond to the movement of the kayak, the water and my paddle. Once I wore myself out I could feel what worked and what didn't. I figured some things out that helped me glide effortlessly up and down the river. Less fighting and more listening and looking. Again, wow was it noisy. But, what was interesting is all those sounds exist everyday and I never hear them. The sound of life around me and truthfully in me, blocks all the other sounds. That's why I never knew how noisy it was.
In the serenity of the little blue kayak and me on the lake I thought, "Wow its noisy out here. What else don't I hear everyday? What else goes on around me I am oblivious to?" My mind wandered and I felt so close to God. It was as though He was telling me in the quiet He speaks the loudest. In the concealed I will find the revealed.
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Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Now, these three verses say so so much. There is always the question of, ”If god loved us and He is a good God, how come Katrina happened, How come Ike happened? How come tsunami’s kill hundreds of thousands of people? How come this, how come that. How come children are starving in Africa, How come droughts kill people, and on and on and on." Instead of shaking our heads and not knowing what to say, we should always turn to the bible for our answers first. ALWAYS. Other versions say that all of creation Groans, waiting on the sons(and daughters) of God to be revealed. Look closely at verse 21, Creation was locked into bondage as soon as Eve and Adam ate the fruit. So you see, through one man’s disobedience, corruption fell over everything in this world, the plants, the animals, the wind, the waves, the ground, the plates, the molten rock, everything. This is why lions and lambs can’t lay down together, this is why hurricanes wipe out whole sections of people and lands. Everything always reverts back to disobedience. Through satan’s disobedience, came mans disobedience. Through man’s disobedience, came all of creations disobedience. After all, What did God make man out of to begin with…..the earth mixed with his breath. It is so amazing. And to touch on verse 20, which is so awesome in itself, talks about Gods absolute reign. A new friend of mine posted a video blog about this I think yesterday, but described it using the Israelites and the Egyptians. God is always in total control, He subjected it in hope, the hope of salvation!!!! So all of Heaven and all of earth is eagerly awaiting for you to be revealed. Stop allowing the disobedience in our lives to hinder the Holy Spirit from revealing us to all of creation as children of light. Do not let sin, habitual sin, slip up sin, undercover sin, drive that wedge between you and the Father to the point that you become ineffective in the kingdom. Because read this closely, Jesus defeated sin and death on the cross. So the only tool satan has at his disposal, it to trip you up, and trip you up to the point that you cannot even look up and face the One who has loved you from before the foundations of the universe! See, all he has is that wedge he tries to place in between us and ABBA. thats it. This is better than any action movie that Hollywood could ever make, the entire earth and everything in it is groaning and waiting on you. Get into position and stop letting satan play you. one more scripture, Hebrews 10:14 says that, by one sacrifice He PERFECTED forever those who are being sanctified, notice the past tense and the present tense. You are PERFECTED, while you are in the process of being set apart. Stop letting satan lie to you and say, God could not possibly love you after pulling that one, you went over the line. No not ever. He promised to never leave you nor forsake you, and I don’t see any preconditions in that. So set your eyes on Jesus and I promise that you will not lose.
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.