John 14:15 (KJV) "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
God gave His only begotten son to come to this earth to purchase me and you, to save us from our sins. That's the greatest thing anyone can do for the one they love. The least that I can do is obey Him. But there's another twist to this story. He asks us to obey because He wants what is best for us. See I couldn't see that there were boards missing in that bridge. Check out the picture below and you will see how dangerously close my tire came to the missing planks.
How close are you to the missing planks in life? Is your next act of disobedience going to be the last thing you do on this earth. Run a red light--that could be the last disobedient thing you choose to do. No one may be watching, but our heavenly father never takes His eyes off of us. The choice is ours. Choose wisely. We don't have the view nor the perspective He has. What lies on the bridge of disobedience in your future?